JLPT N4 Grammar Format JLPT N4 Grammar #26: という/ っていう/ って 【いみ】 named/ called 【ぶんぽう】 N + という/ っていう/ って*という is a written language while っていう and って are spoken language. ... 2024.08.31 JLPT N4 Grammar Format
JLPT N4 Grammar Format JLPT N4 Grammar #26: 〜たらどうですか? 【いみ】 Why don't you?How about ~? 【ぶんぽう】 V(たform)+ らどうですか? 【れいぶん】 *N4 vocabularies are in bold.汚よごれがとれないなら... 2024.08.30 JLPT N4 Grammar Format
JLPT N4 Grammar Format JLPT N4 Grammar #25: 〜たらいいですか? 【いみ】 *used to seek an advice or instructions from others 【ぶんぽう】 Question words + Vた+ らいいですか 【れいぶん】 *N4 v... 2024.08.28 JLPT N4 Grammar Format
JLPT N4 Grammar Format JLPT N4 Grammar #24: 〜ために (in order to) 【いみ】 in order to 【ぶんぽう】 V(辞書形) + ためにNの + ために 【れいぶん】 *N4 vocabularies are in bold.イギリスに留学りゅうがくするために、貯金ちょき... 2024.08.27 JLPT N4 Grammar Format
blog “かんがえる” and “おもう,” what’s the difference? はじめに The Japanese verbs "考える" (kangaeru) and "思う" (omou) are commonly used but have slightly different nuances when ... 2024.05.07 blog
blog The difference between Hiragana and Katakana characters ひらがな (hiragana) and かたかな (katakana) are two of the three writing systems used in the Japanese language, the third being... 2024.03.04 blog
Reading material 『満願(まんがん)』by Osamu Dazai About Osamu Dazai Osamu Dazai was a highly influential Japanese author whose literary contributions remain signi... 2023.12.15 Reading material
blog What is the difference between “アパート” and “マンション” in Japan? はじめに In English, both "アパート" (apaato) and "マンション" (manshon) can be translated as "apartment" or "flat," but there ar... 2023.12.12 blog
Reading material 『でんでんむしの かなしみ』by Nankichi Niimi About Nankichi Niimi Nankichi Niimi (1913-1943) was a renowned Japanese author known for his enchanting and poignant... 2023.11.08 Reading material
Reading material 『赤い蝋燭(The Red Candle)』by Nankichi Niimi About Nankichi Niimi Nankichi Niimi (1913-1943) was a renowned Japanese author known for his enchanting and poignant... 2023.06.15 Reading material