
Reading material

『満願(まんがん)』by Osamu Dazai

About Osamu Dazai Osamu Dazai was a highly influential Japanese author whose literary contributions remain signi...

What is the difference between “アパート” and “マンション” in Japan?

はじめに In English, both "アパート" (apaato) and "マンション" (manshon) can be translated as "apartment" or "flat," but there ar...
Reading material

『でんでんむしの かなしみ』by Nankichi Niimi

About Nankichi Niimi Nankichi Niimi (1913-1943) was a renowned Japanese author known for his enchanting and poignant...
Reading material

『赤い蝋燭(The Red Candle)』by Nankichi Niimi

About Nankichi Niimi Nankichi Niimi (1913-1943) was a renowned Japanese author known for his enchanting and poignant...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #38: 〜なる

【Meaning:いみ】 To become 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 いadjく+なるなadjに+なるNに+なる 【Example sentences:れいぶん】 いadjく+なるこどもは、大きくなりま...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #37: 〜のほうが〜

【Meaning:いみ】 *Used to express one is better than the other. 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 N+のほうが+Adjです 【Example sentences:...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #36: N1はN2が〜

【Meaning:いみ】 *Used to describe the characteristics of N1. 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 N1はN2が〜 【Example sentences:れいぶん】 ...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #35: 〜と思います

【Meaning:いみ】 "I think ~"*Used to express one's opinions and thoughts. 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 V +と思ういadj +と思うなadj だ+と思...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #34: 〜ている

【Meaning:いみ】 Present progressive form*Used to indicate ongoing actions 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 Vて+います 【Example sent...
JLPT N5 Grammar Format

JLPT N5 Grammar #33: 〜くて/〜で (adjectives and nouns in parallel)

【Meaning:いみ】 Connecting 2 or more adjectives and nouns in parallel. 【Grammar:ぶんぽう】 いadjective:〜いくてなadjective:...