JLPT N4 Grammar #39: Transitive and In-transitive verb

JLPT N4 Grammar Format


Transitive verb: requires a direct object (something or someone that the action is done to).
Intransitive verb: does not take a direct object. The action happens independently or describes a state or change in state.


Subjectが + object + transitive verb
Subject + Intransitive verb

*If you see , it’s usually a transitive verb.If you see , it’s usually an intransitive verb.


*N4 vocabularies are in bold.

値段ねだんげる。I raise the price.値段ねだんがるThe price goes up.
値段ねだんげる。I lower the price.値段ねだんがる。The price goes down.
電気でんき。I turn off the light.電気でんきえる。The light turns off.
電気でんきつける。I turn on the light.電気でんきつく。The light is turned on.
はなしつづける。I continue the story.はなしつづ。The story continues.
仕事しごと見つける。I will find the job.仕事しごと見つかる。The job is found.
授業じゅぎょうはじめる。I will begin the class.授業じゅぎょうはじまる。The class begins.
名前なまええる。I will change the name. 名前なまえわる。The name changes
病気びょうきなお。I will cure the disease. 病気びょうきなお。The disease is cured.
自転車じてんしゃなお。I will fix the bike. 自転車じてんしゃなお。The bike is fixed.
ねこを家にれる。I will let the cat in the house.ねこが家にはい。The cat enters the house.

