Transitive verb: requires a direct object (something or someone that the action is done to).
Intransitive verb: does not take a direct object. The action happens independently or describes a state or change in state.
Subjectが + objectを + transitive verb
Subjectが + Intransitive verb
*If you see を, it’s usually a transitive verb.If you see が, it’s usually an intransitive verb.
*N4 vocabularies are in bold.
Transitive | Intransitive |
値段を上げる。I raise the price. | 値段が上がる。The price goes up. |
値段を下げる。I lower the price. | 値段が下がる。The price goes down. |
電気を消す。I turn off the light. | 電気が消える。The light turns off. |
電気をつける。I turn on the light. | 電気がつく。The light is turned on. |
話を続ける。I continue the story. | 話が続く。The story continues. |
仕事を見つける。I will find the job. | 仕事が見つかる。The job is found. |
授業を始める。I will begin the class. | 授業が始まる。The class begins. |
名前を変える。I will change the name. | 名前が変わる。The name changes |
病気を治す。I will cure the disease. | 病気が治る。The disease is cured. |
自転車を直す。I will fix the bike. | 自転車が直る。The bike is fixed. |
ねこを家に入れる。I will let the cat in the house. | ねこが家に入る。The cat enters the house. |