What is the difference between 間 and 間に?

JLPT N4 Grammar Format

1. 間 (あいだ)

  • Meaning: To do something and something takes place for the entire duration of an action or state.
  • Usage: Used when the action or state lasts for the entire period.
  • Example:
    • 私は昼ごはんの間、友達と話しました。
      I talked with my friend (the whole time) during lunch.
    • 子どもが寝ている間、私はテレビを見ていた。
      I was watching TV (the whole time) while my child was sleeping.
    • 友だちを待っている間、宿題をしていた。
      I was doing my homework (the whole time) while waiting for my friend.
  • For a better understanding of this grammar 間(あいだ)、go to 間(あいだ)grammar format.

2. 間に (あいだに)

  • Meaning: Refers to something that happens at some point during the duration of another action or state.
  • Usage: Used when the action occurs at some point within the period, not necessarily for the entire duration.
  • Example:
    • 昼ごはんの間に、友達が来ました。
      My friend came during lunch.→In this case, “間に” indicates that the friend came at some point during lunch, but not necessarily for the entire lunch.
    • 子どもが寝ている間に、地震がありました。
      There was an earthquake while my child was sleeping.
    • 夏休みの間に、たくさん旅行したい。
      I would like to travel a lot during summer vacation. → It doesn’t necessarily mean to travel for the entire summer vacation.
  • For a better understanding of this grammar 間(あいだ)、go to 間に(あいだに)grammar format.


  • 間 (あいだ): Emphasizes the entire period of an action or state.
  • 間に (あいだに): Focuses on an event occurring within the period of another action or state.

